Withernsea  to Sand-Le-Mere

7 miles / 11km

Withernsea  to Sand-Le-Mere ( 7 miles / 11km )
Suitable for Cycling or walking. Tarmack or gravel track most of the way.
From Withernsea, head north towards Waxholme. At the top of the hill,turn right and follow the road down and through Waxholme.
Now follow the gravel trach along the cliff top. Beware of coastal errosion . Keep following the track until you reach Sand-Le-Mere caravan Park. At this point you have two options. 1) You can go down on the Beach and follow the beach back to Withernsea. Check the tides, make sure you won't get cut off before reaching Withernsea, it's further than it looks. 2) Go through the caravan park keeping to the left. You should end up at the West entrance to the caravan park. Keep following the road east, round the pond, south, then east again until you reach the main road. Follow the main road back to Withernsea. There is no footpath along the main road, so probably not suitable for young children.