Water safety day 2018 pre raft race water baloon and flour fight
And the teams are off.... (picture by Bob Mann Photography)
At the half way mark The Fire Brigade are just ahead of the Withernsea Pier and Promenade Association....
The Pier Associations team rush ashore just seconds in front of the Firebrigade team,
ending the Fire brigades 10 year winning streak in the Withernsea raft race.
Water safety day 2016 pre race water baloon and flour fight
And they're off !
The Firebrigade crew head in for another victory while the RLNI keep a watchfull eye
The Dacota
flies along Withernsea Beach on Water Safety day 2015.
Dakota Flyby
Emergency Services open to the public on the promenade.
Water Baloon fight before the race 2015.
The fire brigade crew of to an early lead....
Closely followed by the other teams.
Not as easy as it looks !
Teams race to the marker bouy.
Some teams heading back while others are still heading out.
Two teams racing for the finish line
Fire brigade make it ashore first, closely followed by the Dauntless team.
Everyone has made it back ashore safely.
Spurn Lifeboat heads back to base.